Saturday, January 15, 2011

Crock Pot Lasagna

The hardest part about not eating out is Sunday. We don't get out of church until late, and by the time we get out of there, we are all really hungry. No matter how strong my resolve not to eat out is, it wanes in the face of post-church low blood sugar. 

It's not entirely possible to eat out cheaply with a family of five. At best it's $35.00. (Maybe $25.00 if we run through Milo's.) That times four is about $150.00 a month. That's a lot just to eat out on Sunday. 

My solution is to have something IN the Crock Pot for lunch so that we must to go home and eat. It works well. I just need to have it planned out and in the Crock Pot before we leave Sunday morning. Yes, this requires that I get my rear out of bed a few minutes earlier on Sunday morning, but it's worth it.

This is one of my new favorite Crock Pot recipes. It's really good and pretty easy. For this one, I'll probably brown my meat on Saturday night and then just combine it all in the morning.

I omit several things. I don't put any veggies except the spinach, which cooks down so much it's barely noticeable. (The kids eat it right up.) I also don't add eggs. I just used regular mozzarella cheese too.

This is a nice lasagna that is super easy. It's especially nice to walk into a house after church that smells good and have lunch ready to go!

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